圣玛丽介绍了它的第31任校长罗杰. 汤普森,EdD

几十年来,, this former University of Oregon senior leader has bolstered student enrollment at several institutions. 现在他把这种专业知识带到了莫拉加, 以及在提升学生整体体验方面无可挑剔的记录.

by SMC市场办公室 & 通信 | 2024年5月21日

罗杰·J. 汤普森,EdD, a higher education executive for nearly four decades and a renowned national expert in 登记管理, has been named the 31st President of Saint Mary’s College of California following an extensive national search. Dr. 汤普森将于2024年7月22日星期一开始他的总统任期.

在一封发给十大正规网赌平台社区的电子邮件中宣布了这一消息 Eric Flowers '04 EMBA,校董会主席,及 尼克·冈萨雷斯弟兄,FSC, Brother 访问or and Provincial Superior for the District of San Francisco New Orleans of the Brothers of the Christian 学校

“董事会批准了Dr. 汤普森 to serve as Saint Mary’s next President signals a turning point for the College and a time for renewal, 热情, 和乐观,弗劳尔斯主席说.

“I am profoundly honored for the opportunity to serve as Saint Mary’s next president," said Dr. 汤普森. "Saint Mary’s won my heart as a truly student-centered learning community grounded in Lasallian heritage and guided by Christian Brothers, 教师, 以及对变革教育充满热情的员工, 服务, 以及对学生成功的承诺. 我期待着了解盖尔社区、校友和支持者. 在一起, 我们将以包容的姿态迎接未来的工作,实现繁荣和发展, 多样化的, 充满活力的社区.”

“董事会批准了Dr. 汤普森 to serve as Saint Mary’s next President signals a turning point for the College and a time for renewal, 热情, 和乐观." 

-Eric Flowers, SMC董事会主席

“Dr. 汤普森是一位鼓舞人心的, engaging leader with the vision and the breadth of experience to elevate Saint Mary’s College and position the College as the leading Lasallian Catholic institution of higher education in the country,尼克哥哥说。. 

弗劳尔斯主席和尼克修士指出,董事会对弗劳尔斯博士印象特别深刻. 汤普森’s impeccable record in working directly with students to provide exceptional 服务s that lead directly to their personal and professional success.


Dr. 汤普森 brings to Saint Mary’s deep leadership experience and a long history of success and achievement in higher education. 他拥有独特的综合知识, 服务, 以及在提升所有学生大学经历的领域取得的成就, 包括招聘, 登记管理, 和保留.

在将近14年的时间里. 汤普森曾在俄勒冈大学任职, 最近的职位是负责学生服务和招生管理的副总裁. 在那里, 他领导着一个将近2人的组织,000 team members while overseeing an operating and scholarship budget of more than $250 million.

在他来到俄勒冈大学之前, he was vice provost for 登记管理 and special advisor to the president at Indiana University in Bloomington. Under his four-year watch, university’s enrollment grew from 38,000 students to more than 42,000.

在进入印第安纳大学之前. 汤普森在阿拉巴马大学任职八年多,担任过各种职务, eventually becoming chief 登记管理 officer as associate vice president for 登记管理. Dr. 汤普森 also served in a number of capacities at the University of Southern California for nearly eight years, 在他进入南加州大学之前, 在其他几所学校做过学生事务.


Dr. 汤普森在学术界的广泛记录充满了意义, 切实的结果,把学生放在第一位.

他在俄勒冈大学(University of Oregon)负责管理大量的学生服务项目. 汤普森 successfully worked to expand enrollment numbers to their current record level and was responsible for improvements in student housing, 餐厅, 大学保健服务, 学生财务健康, 还有一个学生欢迎中心. He designed and implemented a 10-year strategic plan for university enrollment growth that is currently progressing ahead of the established schedule, and he created strategic 登记管理 plans in collaboration with several University of Oregon schools and colleges to help meet their enrollment targets.

博士期间. 汤普森在俄勒冈大学的任期, 基本建设和改善取得成果, 包括2017年新宿舍的开放, 2019年,大学健康中心进行了重大扩建和翻新, 长期的, 2018年该机构董事会支持的战略住房计划. Phase one of that initiative was completed in 2021 with the opening of another new residence hall, 另外一栋住宅楼将于2023年完工.

在博士. 汤普森在印第安纳大学的领导, 该机构对择优奖学金采取了新的办法, 导致其标志性的机构援助计划, 21世纪的十大网赌平台. That program was lauded by the College Board as a model for addressing college affordability.

Dr. 汤普森 is also a seasoned fundraiser as he garnered critical resources and funding for the University of Oregon, surpassing his division’s fundraising campaign goal of $70 million by nearly $50 million while reaching this goal years ahead of schedule. He contributed to the overall university fundraising goal of $3 billion by securing the largest scholarship gift in the history of the institution, and he created and secured donor funding toward a new Financial Literacy program for students. 

博士期间. 汤普森在俄勒冈大学的任期, 基本建设和改善取得成果, 包括2017年新宿舍的开放, 2019年,大学健康中心进行了重大扩建和翻新, 长期的, 2018年该机构董事会支持的战略住房计划.

他在俄勒冈大学的筹款能力延伸到了校园的其他地方, 他和商学院的同事一起努力,争取到了500美元的奖金,为新的和增强的学生领导能力发展项目提供了000美元的礼物. He also proposed and secured nearly $14 million in new funding from the Stamps Foundation for student scholarships and support. 

同样在俄勒冈大学(University of Oregon). 汤普森 Introduced and secured Board of Trustee approval and funding for a $220 million “住房 Transformation Plan” and $18 million for an expansion and renovation of the Student Health and Counseling Center that included a fee structure coordinated with Associated Student government leaders. 

在他接手阿拉巴马大学的招生工作之后, 这所大学创下了入学总人数的记录, 进入新生班级规模, 学术质量, 和多样性, 包括非洲裔美国学生入学率飙升近50%. 除了, he developed and implemented new financial aid programs to help low- and middle-income families with the cost of college.


谈到他的成就和成功的记录. 汤普森 has received numerous awards and distinctions while establishing himself as an active and stalwart supporter of community 服务.

在俄勒冈大学, his work to create strong programs for physical and mental health led to a national Healthy Campus Award from the Washington DC-based Active Minds, 这是该组织授予的七个奖项之一. 在他的领导下, UO’s University Health 服务 was recognized with the 2022 Bernard Kershner Quality Award through the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).

He was recognized for his contribution to the University of Alabama by receiving the Robert Vance Award, 以表彰联邦法官万斯的领导而命名, 在20世纪60年代南方废除种族隔离的过程中发挥了重要作用. 

在担任阿拉巴马大学研究生院的教职员工期间,他是一名医学博士. 汤普森曾在高等教育项目的几个博士论文委员会任职. He was also awarded lifetime membership to the University of Alabama National 校友 Association. 自2022年8月起, 他曾在南加州大学任教, 他在南加州大学罗西耶教育学院为研究生教授一门课程.

在俄勒冈大学, his work to create strong programs for physical and mental health led to a national Healthy Campus Award from the Washington DC-based Active Minds, 这是该组织授予的七个奖项之一. 

Dr. 汤普森担任主席, 联合主席, 还是近40个委员会的成员, 委员会, 任务部队, 专业组织, 和董事会, 并在其他几十家公司做过演讲.

作为全国公认的战略招生管理和学生服务专家. 汤普森的作品出现在新闻媒体上,并得到了 PBS新闻一小时纽约时报华盛顿邮报》洛杉矶时报大西洋美国大学理事会(College Board)、ACT和美国市场营销协会(American Marketing Association)等. He has been a frequent presenter at national and regional conferences throughout the country and has published in the areas of leadership development, 大学的选择, 学生的持久性, 学生的成功, 以及高等教育的负担能力问题. 

他在《十大网赌平台》杂志的编辑委员会工作了近十年 学院及大学 目前是国家出版物顾问委员会的成员 招生管理报告

在俄勒冈州, 他担任圣母天主教高中董事会主席, 自2015年以来,他一直在俄勒冈州特殊奥林匹克运动会的全州董事会任职. In 2013, 汤普森被封为波特兰皇家玫瑰教徒, an honor for those in Portland affiliated with the Portland Rose Festival parade and celebration.

俄勒冈州本地人. 汤普森获得了加州州立大学广播学学士学位, 长滩, 中密苏里大学的硕士, and a doctorate in higher education policy and administration from the University of Southern California.